Match English and Russian equivalents.

narrowly missed colliding самолеты, возможно, отклонились от курса.
jumbo jet большой риск
was revealed изучить заявления
at a combined speed of отвернуть влево от
came within a mile of each other подать доклад об опасном сближении в полете
to file a near-miss report on the incident прошли в миле друг от друга
the planes probably deviated from its course данные записи бортовых самописцев
because of the stormy weather едва избежали столкновения
a great risk было выявлено
is to be investigated широкофюзеляжное реактивное ВС
to examine statements с суммарной скоростью
along with radar details под контролем УВД
data from voice recorders из-за штормовой погоды
four minutes flying при нормальных условиях
under normal conditions вместе с данными радиолокатора
because of the thunderstorm должен быть расследован
under air traffic control на расстоянии четырех минут полета
to turn left away from из-за грозовой деятельности

6. Replace the underlined words with the word of the same or nearly the same meaning that appeared in Unit 14.

a) Two aircraft nearly missed colliding.

b) The incident was discovered yesterday.

c) The incident happened right after 9 a.m. on Tuesday.

d) The planes deviated from its track because of bad weather conditions.

e) There was a great danger in an incident.

f) The Joint Air Miss Working Group examined reports from pilots and air traffic controllers, along with radar details and information from voice recorders.

g) Woodley lies below the intersection of flights between Gatwick and Heathrow.

h) Aircraft departing usuallyremain at 6,000 feet or less.

i) The pattern was broken due to stormy weather on Saturday.

j) In accordance with reports of Working Group the two planes were only seconds from colliding with each other.

Дата добавления: 2015-01-13; просмотров: 1181;

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