Polysemy as a language universal viewed diachronically.

Pol viewed diachronically when we observed a historical change in the semantic structure of the word. A word may retain its previous meaning and at the same time acquire new meanings. Two schemes in the development of polysemy – radiation, concatenation
Radiation – is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meaning proceed out of it in every direction. Each of the secondary meaning is independent of all the rest. Eg – paper – scientific article, money, note, document.
Concatenation – is the semantic process in which the meaning of the word moves gradually away from its first signification by successive shifts of meaning. Eg board – peace of timber, table, board of health

11.Homonyms in the English and Ukrainian languages. Classification and sources of homonyms.

Hare two or more words identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning, distribution and origin.
lexical h – identical in sound, spelling, gram form ( belong to one part of speech) different in lexical meaning eg ball- round object used in games/ ball – a gathering of people for dancing

Lex-gram – different in lex. And gram meaning. Different parts of speech. Eg bear – animal/ bear – to carry smth

Gram – different in gram meaning/ different word forms of one word eg stopped past ind/ stopped – participle II
classification according to sound form/graphic form/meaning
Homonyms proper – identical in sound and graphic / different in meaning eg back – part of the body/ back – away from the front

Homophones – identical in sound/different in meaning,spelling eg sun сонце/ son син

Homographs – indentical in soelling/ different sound form, meaning

Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 2582;

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