Kiki cannot take a joke.

Come back as quick as you can.

Chris came to ask if you’d come to play cricket.

We agreed to go there together.

I’ve got to get going.

Ex.6 Complete this conversation using words from the box. Then listen and check.




Vowels: [ Λ – a: ]


To make the sound [Λ]: Open your mouth a little. Your lips and jaw should be in relaxed position. Your tongue goes back a little. It is a short sound.


To make the sound [a:]: Open your mouth wider. The back of your tongue goes down and back as well as your lower jaw. It is a long sound.


Ex 7. Listen and repeat the words paying special attention to sounds [æ - Λ – a:].


cap – cup - carp

hat – hut – heart

cat – cut – cart

ban – bun – barn

match – much – march

Ex 8. Practise saying the tongue twisters.


Cars aren’t passing fancies.

I hardly like the remark, Papa.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-02; просмотров: 900;

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